MxV Rail Welcomes Leaders and Experts to this Unique Rail Industry Event
February 26, 2024, Pueblo, CO – The Association of American Railroads (AAR) and MxV Rail are proud to host the 29th Annual AAR Research Review in Pueblo, CO, April 23-25, 2024. This unique event showcases the industry’s research and development efforts and brings together the Class I and short line railroads, early career railroaders, car owners, academia, and suppliers from around the world to learn the latest about advances in safety, efficiency, and reliability from the expert team at MxV Rail.
Nearly 400 attendees are expected over the course of three days. The 2024 event includes traditional technical sessions, feature presentations, and the first-ever track walk of MxV Rail’s newly constructed Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST®®) Loop. Based on attendee feedback and the successful in-person tours at last year’s event, MxV Rail will be engaging sponsors and participants on a tour of static displays and experiments at the FAST®® Loop this year.
Opening the technical sessions will be featured keynote speaker Ed Boyle, Vice President Engineering for Norfolk Southern Railway. Boyle will share his perspective as a thought leader and his current involvement with the AAR Research Committee that provides direction to the Strategic Research Initiatives (SRI) Program executed by MxV Rail.
Attendees can select from a variety of technical sessions with emphasis on infrastructure or rolling stock research updates. All are sure to be informed by the plenary session planned around vehicle/track interaction research and the data development in support of the industry’s ongoing effort to improve communications and train control, optimize train speeds and track stability in hot weather, and wheel and rail maintenance.
The annual event includes the tradition of connecting early career railroaders with industry professionals and mentors via the Early Career Railroader Workshop. This year’s agenda includes an overview of the industry’s diverse research topics from track construction to metallurgy, and software programs to answering the “Grand Challenge” research questions such as the measurement of rail neutral temperature. There will also be time for attendees to grow their professional peer networks of stakeholders in railway research.
Industry support for long-term research and innovation has never been more valuable.
The collective investment in SRI research by AAR members continues to drive results for industry safety, reliability, resiliency, and efficiency and promotes effective development and deployment of innovative new technologies.
Join us to see how the most significant research in rail technologies is unfolding, and how together we will prepare for the rail industry’s future success.
Get involved in the AAR’s Research Review today:
5 Reasons to Attend AAR Research Review
The 29th Annual AAR Research Review will be held at Pueblo Convention Center and MxV Rail’s multi-campus from April 23-25, 2024. Make plans now to sponsor or attend.
Visit the MxV Rail Conferences page to learn more.
Review the list of featured technical sessions to plan your visit itinerary.
Contact: Niki Toussaint, Senior AVP Marketing & Education,, 719-671-8676
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